A Psychologist Examining Art Appreciation Selected an Abstract Painting That Had No Obvious

Problem 1

Parametric tests (such as $t$ or ANOVA) differ from nonparametric tests (such equally chi-foursquare) primarily in terms of the assumptions they crave and the data they employ. Explain these differences.

Problem two

The pupil population at the state college consists of
$sixty \%$ females and $xl \%$ males.
a. The college theater department recently staged a production of a modern musical. A researcher recorded the gender of each educatee entering the theater and found a total of 37 females and 18 males. Is the gender distribution for theatergoers significantly unlike from the distribution for the general college? Test at the .05 level of significance.
b. The same researcher also recorded the gender of each student watching a men's basketball game game in the college gym and constitute a total of 58 females and 82 males. Is the gender distribution for basketball fans significantly unlike from the distribution for the general college? Test at the .05 level of significance.

Trouble 3

A developmental psychologist would like to make up one's mind whether infants display any color preferences. A stimulus consisting of four color patches (ruby-red, green, blueish, and yellow) is projected onto the ceiling higher up a crib. Infants are placed in the crib, one at a time, and the psychologist records how much time each babe spends looking at each of the 4 colors. The color that receives the most attention during a 100 -second test period is identified as the preferred color for that infant. The preferred colors for a sample of 80 infants are shown in the following table:
a. Practise the information betoken any meaning preferences amid the 4 colors? Exam at the .05 level of significance.
b. Write a sentence demonstrating how the result of the hypothesis test would announced in a enquiry report.

Problem 4

Data from the Department of Motor Vehicles indicate that $eighty \%$ of all licensed drivers are older than age 25
a. In a sample of $n=fifty$ people who recently received speeding tickets, 33 were older than 25 years and the other 17 were historic period 25 or younger. Is the age distribution for this sample significantly different from the distribution for the population of licensed drivers? Use $\alpha=.05$
b. In a sample of $n=50$ people who recently received parking tickets, 36 were older than 25 years and the other 14 were age 25 or younger. Is the historic period distribution for this sample significantly unlike from the distribution for the population of licensed drivers? Use $\alpha=.05$.

Problem 5

A psychologist examining art appreciation selected an abstract painting that had no obvious top or bottom. Hangers were placed on the painting so that it could be hung with any one of the four sides at the top. The painting was shown to a sample of $n=fifty$ participants, and each was asked to hang the painting in the orientation that looked right. The following data bespeak how many people chose cach of the iv sides to be placed at the top. Are any of the orientations selected more than (or less) often than would be expected only by gamble? Test with $\alpha=.05$.

Problem 6

A professor in the psychology department would like to decide whether there has been a significant change in grading practices over the years, Information technology is known that the overall course distribution for the department in 1985 had $fourteen \%$ As, $26 \%$ Bs, $31 \%$ Cs, $19 \%$ Ds, and $x \%$ Fs. A sample of $n=200$ psychology students from final semester produced the following class distribution:
Practice the information point a significant alter in the class distribution? Test at the .05 level of significance.

Problem vii

Automobile insurance is much more expensive for teenage drivers than for older drivers. To justify this cost departure, insurance companies merits that the younger drivers are much more likely to exist involved in costly accidents. To examination this merits, a researcher obtains information about registered drivers from the department of motor vehicles and selects a sample of $n=300$ blow reports from the police department. The motor vehicle department reports the pct of registered drivers in each historic period category every bit follows:
$16 \%$ are younger than age $20 ; 28 \%$ are twenty to 29 years one-time; and $56 \%$ are age xxx or older. The number of blow reports for each age group is as follows:
a. Do the data indicate that the distribution of accidents for the three age groups is significantly dissimilar from the distribution of drivers? Test with $\alpha=.05$
b. Compute Cohen'south w to measure the size of the consequence
c. Write a sentence demonstrating how the outcome of the hypothesis examination and the measure of effect size would appear in a research written report.

Trouble 8

A communications company has developed iii new designs for a cell phone. To evaluate consumer response, a sample of 120 college students is selected and each educatee is given all 3 phones to employ for one week. At the end of the calendar week, the students must identify which of the three designs they prefer. The distribution of preference is as follows:
a. Do the results bespeak any significant preferences among the three designs?
b. Compute Cohen's $west$ to measure the size of the effect.

Problem ix

In Trouble 8 , a researcher asked higher students to evaluate 3 new cell phone designs. However, the researcher suspects that college students may have criteria that are dissimilar from those used past older adults. To exam this hypothesis, the researcher repeats the study using a sample of $n=60$ older adults in improver to a sample of $n=60$ students. The distribution of preference is as follows:
Do the data signal that the distribution of preferences for older adults is significantly different from the distribution for higher students? Test with $\alpha=.05$

Problem 10

Earlier in the chapter, we introduced the chi-square examination of independence with a study examining the human relationship betwixt personality and color preference. The following table shows the frequency distribution for a grouping of $n=200$ students who were classified in terms of personality (introvert, extrovert) and in terms of color preference (crimson, yellow, green, or blue). Practise the data indicate a significant relationship between the 2 variables? Test with $\alpha=.05$.

Problem xi

Liu et al. (2015) recently reported the results of a study examining whether happy people live longer. The written report followed a large sample of British women, aged 50 to 69 over a ten -year menstruum. At the beginning of the study the women were asked several questions, including how often they felt happy. Afterward 10 years, roughly $4 \%$ of the women had died. The following tabular array shows a frequency distribution similar to the results obtained in the written report.
a. Do the information signal a significant relationship between living longer and being happy almost of the fourth dimension? Test with $\blastoff=.05$
b. Compute the phi-coefficient to measure the size of the treatment effect.

Problem 12

Many businesses use some type of client loyalty plan to encourage echo customers, A common example is the buy-ten-get-one-free punch card. Drèze and Nunes (2006) examined a simple variation of this program that appears to requite customers a head kickoff on completing their cards. One group of customers at a machine wash was given a buy-eight-get-one-free carte and a second group was given a buy-ten-get-ane-free menu that had already been punched twice. Although both groups needed eight punches to earn a gratis wash, the grouping with the ii complimentary punches appeared to be closer to reaching their goal. A few months later, the researchers recorded the number of customers who had completed their cards and earned their free car wash. The following data are similar to the results obtained in the study. Practise the data betoken a pregnant difference betwixt the two card programs? Examination with $\alpha=.05$.

Problem xiii

In a classic study, Loftus and Palmer (1974) investigated the relationship between memory for eyewitnesses and the questions they are asked. In the study. participants watched a film of an automobile accident and then were questioned nigh the accident. I group was asked how fast the cars were going when they "smashed into" each other. A second group was asked nearly the speed when the cars "hit" each other, and a third group was not asked any question about the speed of the cars. A week afterward, the participants returned to answer additional questions about the accident, including whether they recalled seeing whatever broken drinking glass. Although there was no broken drinking glass in the pic, several students claimed to remember seeing
it. The following table shows the frequency distribution of responses for each grouping.
a. Does the proportion of participants who claim to recollect broken glass differ significantly from group to group? Test with $\alpha=.05$
b. Compute Cramér'south $Five$ to measure the size of the treatment effect.
c. Draw how the phrasing of the question influenced the participants' memories.
d. Write a sentence demonstrating how the outcome of the hypothesis examination and the measure of event size would exist reported in a journal article.

Problem xiv

In a report investigating freshman weight gain, the researchers as well looked at gender differences in weight (Kasparek, Corwin, Valois, Sargent, \& Morris, 2008 ). Using cocky-reported heights and weights, they computed the Torso Mass Index (BMI) for each student. Based on the BMI scores, the students were classified as either desirable weight or overweight. When the students were further classified by gender, the researchers found results similar to the frequencies in the following table:
a. Practice the data indicate that the proportion of overweight men is significantly different from the proportion of overweight women? Test with $\alpha=.05$
b. Compute the phi-coefficient to mensurate the strength of the relationship.
c. Write a sentence demonstrating how the outcome of the hypothesis exam and the measure of effect size would exist reported in a journal article.

Problem fifteen

Enquiry results propose that IQ scores for boys are more than variable than IQ scores for girls (Arden \& Plomin, 2006 ). A typical report looking at 10 -twelvemonth-old children classifies participants by gender and past low, average, or high IQ. Following are hypothetical data representing the research results. Practice the information betoken a pregnant difference between the frequency distributions for males and females? Test at the .05 level of significance and describe the difference.

Problem xvi

Gender differences in dream content are well documented (see Winget $\&$ Kramer, 1979 ). Suppose a researcher studies aggression content in the dreams of men and women. Each participant reports his or her about contempo dream Then cach dream is judged by a panel of experts to have low, medium, or loftier aggression content. The observed frequencies are shown in the following matrix:
Is there a human relationship betwixt gender and the aggression content of dreams? Examination with $\alpha=.01$.

Problem 17

Many parents allow their underage children to drink booze in limited situations when an developed is present to supervise. The thought is that teens will learn responsible drinking habits if they first feel booze in a controlled environment. Other parents have a strict nodrinking approach with the idea that they are sending a articulate message near what is correct and what is wrong. Recent research, however, suggests that the more permissive approach may really result in more than negative consequences (McMorris et al, $, 2011$ ). The researchers surveyed a sample of 150 students each year from ages 14 to $17 .$ The students were asked nearly their booze use and near alcohol-related problems such as rampage drinking, fights, and blackouts. The following table shows data similar to the results from the report.
a. Do the data prove a significant relationship between the parents' rules almost alcohol and subsequent alcohol-related issues? Test with $\alpha=.05$
b. Compute Cramér's $V$ to measure the strength of the relationship.

Problem eighteen

A recent study indicates that people tend to select video game avatars with characteristics similar to those of their creators (Belisle \& Onur, 2010). Participants who had created avatars for a virtual customs game completed a questionnaire most their personalities. An independent group of viewers examined the avatars and recorded their impressions of the avatars, One personality characteristic considered was introverted/ extroverted. The following tabular array shows frequency distribution of personalities for participants and the avatars they created.
a. Is there a meaning human relationship between the personalities of the participants and the personalities of their avatars? Exam with $\alpha=.05$
b. Compute the phi-coefficient to measure the size of the issue.

Problem xix

Inquiry indicates that people who volunteer to participate in inquiry studies tend to have higher intelligence than nonvolunteers. To test this phenomenon, a researcher obtains a sample of 200 high-school students. The students are given a description of a psychological research study and asked whether they would volunteer to participate. The researcher besides obtains an IQ score for each student and classifies the students into high, medium, and low IQ groups. Do the following data point a significant relationship betwixt IQ and volunteering? Test at the .05 level of significance.

Problem 20

Research has demonstrated strong gender differences in teenagers' approaches to dealing with mental health bug (Chandra \& Minkovitz, 2006). In a typical study, eighth-grade students are asked to report their willingness to use mental health services in the issue they were experiencing emotional or other mental wellness problems. Typical information for a sample of $n=150$ students are shown in the following table.
a. Do the information show a significant relationship between gender and willingness to seek mental health help? Test with $\alpha=.05$
b. Compute Cramér'due south $Five$ to measure the size of the treatment upshot.


Source: https://www.numerade.com/books/chapter/the-chi-square-statistic-tests-for-goodness-of-fit-and-independence/

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